Crush Bugs and Fix Errors: A Guide to Debugging JavaScript Code Like a Pro

Crush Bugs and Fix Errors: A Guide to Debugging JavaScript Code Like a Pro

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1: Open the Chrome browser and navigate to the page with the JavaScript code you want to debug.

2: Right-click anywhere on the page and select "Inspect" from the context menu. Alternatively, you can press "Ctrl+Shift+I" on Windows or "Cmd+Option+I" on Mac to open the Developer Tools.

3: In the Developer Tools panel, click on the "Sources" tab. Here, you can see all the JavaScript files that are loaded on the page or you can search your file as well.

4: To set a breakpoint in your code, click on the line number in the JavaScript file where you want to pause the code execution. A blue arrow icon will appear next to the line number to indicate that a breakpoint has been set.

5: Refresh the page to trigger the code execution. The code will stop executing when it reaches the breakpoint, and the Developer Tools panel will switch to the "Debugger" tab.

6: Here, you can use the various debugging tools to step through your code line-by-line, inspect variables and objects, and monitor the call stack. At the breakpoint, you can also view the current state of your data, including the value of variables and objects, which can help you identify and resolve issues in your code. To view the data at the breakpoint, simply hover over the variable or object in the code editor, or use the console to inspect them.

7: To resume code execution, click the "Resume script execution" button, which looks like a blue play button.

8: If you encounter an error in your code, the Developer Tools will display an error message in the console. You can use this information to identify and fix the error in your code.

And remember, when you're knee-deep in debugging and the code just won't cooperate, take a deep breath, sip some coffee, and remind yourself that at least you're not debugging COBOL code from the 1960s. Keep calm and debug on!

happy coding : )